Wicca is a religion--not too many people know this. It is also a pre-Christian religion. That means it's older than Christianity. Wiccans also follows a moral code to better their life and those around them. Wicca celebrates nature and all that dwell within it. That includes humans, plants, animals, etc. Most people think Witchraft is a practice with satan. They think that the devil is apart of the Craft in some way. They don't know that Witches don't even believe in the devil or satan or hell. They don't worship any sinister or evil entity or gods. Why? Witches believe in Karma. The universal balance of what goes around comes around--threefold. So if a Witch cast a spell on something or someone to make them, say, get sick. Let's say the person got ill with the mumps. Now is when Karma comes in. That act of evil will be multiplied by three, then sent back to it's original sender--the Witch. This doesn't only go for evil acts but pure good ones, too. So why would anyone do something bad KNOWING the consequense, because if you don't know about Karma you shouldn't be tappering with Witchcraft. I might also include some information about my personal history: where I grew up, where I went to school, various places I've lived. If I have one, I'll include a picture of myself engaging in an activity I enjoy, such as a sport or hobby. This is the Horn of Plenty. It's used for communion and symbolizes fertility. |